Thursday, November 12, 2020

Is Biden Too Old or Have Other Presidents Been Too Young?

There is a column in today’s New York Times by Jennifer Senior that makes the case that President-elect Biden’s age could really be an advantage.
  She points out the positive things that can happen as we age.  Like experience and expertise.  Many people have pointed out that Joe Biden knows how Washington works and can draw on that experience to get things done.  Of course, some critics have suggested that his knowledge of Washington is obsolete, that the Republican Party and its soulless leader in the Senate will not cooperate or compromise to pass important legislation.  But is there a better idea than trying to reach across the aisle to make things happen, or a better person than Mr. Biden to try to make that work?  


Senior notes another quality that Biden brings to the Presidency--wisdom.  We often say that older people are wise, but then we don't treat them as wise.  Of course, not all older people are wise, and age alone does not lead to wisdom.


What actually constitutes wisdom was a long-standing issue in Gerontology, but a program of research conducted by Paul Baltes and his colleagues has provided a compelling framework for understanding wisdom.  One aspect of wisdom is drawn from experience—factual and procedural knowledge.  That is, a wise person has access to a lot of facts in a domain as well as knowledge about how things work and how problems get solved in that domain.  One implication is that wisdom is not a general characteristic.  Rather, people can act wisely in domains where they have expertise, but may not give “wise” counsel in other domains.


Expertise, however, is not enough.  Another aspect of wisdom is what Baltes and colleagues called “excellence in mind and virtue.”  Here, they mean that the wise person strives toward excellence and the common good.  The wise person is not focused on themselves.  They are not saying, “I did it this way, and so that’s what you should do.”  They are instead applying knowledge about a specific situation that takes into account both the situation and the people involved.  Another way to say this is the wise person has empathy, which is another finding in the research conducted by Baltes and colleagues.  

You can see in this definition of wisdom a major difference between the 74 year old outgoing President and the 78 year old President-elect. Or as Senior wrote, the voters “decided to replace a savage clown and chaos-sowing novice with a man defined by decency and nearly half a century of public service.”


Aging, of course, has its perils.  The older we get, the more likely something bad will happen.  But Biden’s knowledge and temperament and his concern about other people, all of which have been honed over the course of his life, indicate he is up to the tasks ahead.  



Link to “Stop Worrying About Biden’s Age” by Jennifer Senior


To read more about wisdom:  Baltes, P. B., & Smith, J. (2008).  The fascination of wisdom:  Its nature, ontogeny and function,  Perspectives on Psychological Science. 3, 56-64.  doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6916.2008.00062.x

Photo:  Elephant on a stairway in Lisbon.


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Silly Science Around Alzheimer’s Continues

A week hardly goes by without a new claim about causes of Alzheimer’s disease or cognitive impairment.  The New York Times Health Correspondent, Jane Brody, has never missed an opportunity to hype a potential cause or cure, no matter how suspect the evidence is.  This past week she wrote about vision and hearing loss as possible causes.

This is an idea that has been around for awhile.  And while some scientists make a plausible argument that reduced sensory input might lead to lower cognitive abilities, that is a far step from causing plaques, tangles, strokes, or other dementia-related pathologies.  We have yet to hear a plausible explanation for the biological mechanism the connects hearing loss, which occurs within the ear, or vision loss, which occurs in the eye, to dementia, which occurs in the brain.  Hearing loss and vision loss definitely limit and distort the quality of information a person is able to take in, but they do not cause brain cells to progressively deteriorate the way we know they do in dementia. 

The most plausible explanation is that the findings are an artifact. Think about how cognitive functioning is assessed.  We show someone visual images and/or present verbal information that they are to repeat or remember.  If you can’t see or hear well, you are more prone to make mistakes on tests.  That is a fundamental premise of neuropsychological testing.  Whenever Judy saw someone for testing who had hearing loss her first priority was to be sure that conditions were optimal for hearing (quiet room, speaking in a low register and projecting her voice directly to the person), and when that wasn’t sufficient, using written materials to supplement verbal instructions.

Imagine dear old Uncle Bill, who is hard of hearing, being asked a standard dementia screening question:  “What’s today’s date?”  And Bill answers, “I haven’t been on a date in years.”  How might that answer be interpreted?  Before jumping to the conclusion that he has dementia, it’s important to consider he didn’t hear the question correctly.  Or maybe he’s just a wiseass.  Either way, it may not be dementia.

Many of the studies that have reported correlations between hearing loss and cognitive function have been conducted over the phone.  It’s hardly an optimal way to assess someone with hearing loss.  But even clinical studies may confound hearing loss and cognitive problems, if the person conducting the tests is not well-trained.  The studies are also largely correlational, and don’t show decline in cognition over time.  Brody cites two large studies, one with 3,000 people, and one with 30,000 people, that present correlations of cognition and hearing loss, but a large sample is not necessarily better.  It’s easier to find statistical significance with a large sample, but what is called “effect size,” that is, the size of the association, may be quite small. 

We would all like to know that there is something that we could do that might prevent dementia.  And if we have hearing loss that affects daily life, it would be a good idea to get evaluated for hearing aids or other hearing devices, because that could make things easier at least in some situations.  But that’s a far cry from advising someone to get hearing aids in order to prevent the development of dementia.