Råslätt 2016
On Friday, we visited a nursing home in an area called Råslätt.
Marie Ernstt-Bravell, a faculty member in Gerontology, took us there. She said
the nursing homes in Råslätt were the best in the area. Why? It's the
part of town where a lot of immigrants have settled. They are happy to get jobs
in nursing homes and they are good caregivers. Marie brought the cabinet
minister responsible for aging issues to Råslätt to see the nursing homes here,
because the excel at what they do, even though it is perceived by the broader community as a slum. We had to point that out to the
students, since it does not look like a slum at all, not by US standards.
We visited a program in one of the nursing homes run by an
enthusiastic physical therapist. We had actually seen the program in its early
stages 3 years ago with the last class we took to Sweden. It is an exercise
program for persons with dementia, specifically using various exercise
machines. As the PT explained, their cognition is impaired but not their
bodies. We saw one class, minus the usual music that gets played while
residents exercise. Like in any gym, residents worked out on a machine and then
rotated to the next machine.
The PT explained that it is fairly easy to train people to use
the machines, despite their cognitive problems. And there is only one way
to use the machines so residents can't get in trouble on them. When the music
is blasting with 60s music, there are lots of smiles and laughs.
The program is using the equipment they obtained at the start.
The PT said he wants to replace some of the machines. He now has a better idea
about which machines work better for this population. In particular, machines
should not be difficult to get on or off. The cross trainer they have now works
best, but people are able to use all the machines.
When the minister visited, one of the residents was doing leg
presses with over 200 pounds of weights.
There has been a small study of the program, which shows
positive results. In addition, there are subjective impressions. The staff
reports that residents sleep better after exercise, need less care and have
lower anxiety. Almost everyone who tried the program has been able to do it.
A student asked the PT what was his favorite part of the program.
He said, "The laughs; the smiles on their faces. Residents are always
surprising us. Don't underestimate what an older person can do."
hopes that the program will spread to other homes, but so far there has not
been money to do so.
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