The translation of the bumper sticker is "Old but vital."
My college friend, Anne Lefkovitz, recently sent me a copy
of We’ll Always Have Casablanca, Noah
Isenberg’s book about the making of the movie Casablanca and its enduring popularity. When we were students at the University
Michigan in the mid-1960s, we regularly went to the makeshift theater in the
Architecture building where we were introduced to classic films. Movies with Humphrey Bogart were a particular
favorite, perhaps because as Isenberg writes Bogie captured what we were
feeling—suspicious of authority but ultimately idealistic and wanting to take a
It is pleasant to indulge in nostalgia as we grow older, but
nostalgia can be a trap that leaves us looking backward. We’ll
Always Have Casablanca evokes nostalgia, but also something relevant and important
for today. Most people remember Casablanca
just as a love story. It is also
about refugees seeking to escape the terrible events sweeping Europe at that
time. As Isenberg points out, European refugees had a major part in making the
film. The director of Casablanca, Michael Curtiz and almost all
of the 75 actors in the film had fled the Nazis in Europe, including 11 of the
14 actors who received a screen credit. Just
like the characters in the movie, many of the actors in the film escaped just
ahead of roundups that would have landed them in concentration camps, and some
even had experiences of waiting for papers to be able to travel on to the
United States.
The door was open for these refugees. Their presence in the US did not generate hysterical
fears that we might be letting in saboteurs or terrorists, though after the war
there were demagogues braying about communists in our midst. And while some refugees were let in, too many
others were turned away. The refusal by
the Roosevelt administration to admit more Jews trying to flee Europe was a
terrible act, as was the internment of Japanese Americans.
The recent use of chemical weapons in Syria brought home to
many Americans the horrific conditions in the Middle East that have led to the
current refugee crisis. Rather than
opening the door to more refugees, we bombed an airfield instead. Sweden, a country of 10 million people, took
in 270,000 refugees in the past 3 years, but we have frozen immigration from countries
where people face the gravest danger. Our
current government’s xenophobia represents one of the foulest strains in
American culture.
So watch Casablanca, not
for the nostalgia or for the romance that, as Bogie says, doesn’t matter a hill
of beans. Rather, watch Casablanca because it reminds us of our
best qualities, the willingness to stand up for what is right and the generosity
to take in refugees and make them part of our country.
Well said. Thank you.....