Friday, October 30, 2020

How Are You Doing?


How are you doing?  We are getting along well.  We are not seeing our grandkids as much as we’d like or traveling or doing other things we enjoy.  But we are doing all right.


It’s the country we are worried about.  This is the most important election in our lives.  We have had presidents in the past who lied (Nixon about Watergate, Johnson about Vietnam), but we have never had a president who lies constantly and threatens to destroy our democracy.


We urge you to vote, if you have not done so already.  And get your friends and relatives to vote, too.  


If you are still undecided, or know someone who is undecided, take a look at the excellent column by Nicholas Kristof (link is below).


At the beginning of the primaries, we wrote a blog suggesting that Biden (and Trump, too) were too old to be president.  Joe has shown us to be wrong during the campaign.  Instead of trying to match Trump in vitriol, he has presented a vision of what this country could become by bringing people together.  He speaks powerfully from his experiences.  He knows that more anger and bitterness will not get us anywhere.  Our country has lots of problems.  Joe promises to get to work on them, with our support.  That’s wisdom that comes with age.


We hope to tune back in next week to celebrate the end of this long nightmare.



Link to Nicholas Kristof’s column:


Photo:  Fall colors. Frick Park, Pittsburgh

1 comment:

  1. Here in Scotland we followed are all in our thoughts....
